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the 13th floor中文是什么意思

用"the 13th floor"造句"the 13th floor"怎么读"the 13th floor" in a sentence


  • 13度凶兆
  • 13阶梯
  • 第十三层楼
  • 十三度凶兆
  • 十三阶梯
  • 异次元骇客


  • The second one said , " but we ' re on the 13th floor !
    第二个贼说: “可是我们在13楼啊! ”
  • You ' ve seen the pictures and the videos . this office , located on the 13th floor , is home to the photographers , videographers , and technicians that hone the image of rotary
  • At about 6 . 17 am a management staff member of a guesthouse on the 13th floor of chunking mansions on nathan road , tsim sha tsui discovered bloodstains outside some cubicles and he made a report to the police
用"the 13th floor"造句  
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